Defy magnetism You have, time and again, magnified your bathroom incredibly, with several of Roper Rhodes’s bathroom wonders. Now, it’s time you defied magnetism, as several of the Roper Rhodes’s Zest series are bound to induce senses, and captivate the attention, drawing unwavering and envying glances perpetually. And the ones that will be doing that are the Slimline Basins, WC Pans, and so on. The greatest upbeat harbinger in your bathroom is going to be none other than the classy Zest series. The list of pleasantries is still to follow, exemplifying beauty and style, beyond measure.
Virtuosos of Roper Rhodes have always been evident in every creation of theirs, and this time it is seen in their Zest series. Inherent ability to make your bathroom get shone and get enhanced aesthetic appearance will be attained with the presence of the pieces in the bathroom. Apart from the others, the Close Coupled WC, or for the equal part, the Short Projection Back-To-Wall WC with Seats make your bathroom regimen and usage much easier, comfortable and hassle-free, whilst ensuring immaculacy of the visual intactness. To add on to the functionality and longevity of the others are the Wall Hung WC with Close Seats.